It feels like there's a huge universal shift that THIS is a time of Great self-awareness …… a time for going deep inside (literally & figuratively).
“What’s next?” -(say it out loud and tell me, where your hear the emphasis?)
WHAT’S NEXT!!! with excitement or
(scared & apprehensive): What’s next? – –
No matter how hard we’ve tried to stay “busy” – we’ve still had tons of additional time – time to get back in touch with ourselves.
Slowing us down and forcing us to go inside~
How about you? Have you been awakened in certain areas of your life?
What’s come up for you during this time of “isolation?”
Have you started questioning things you used to believe about (1) yourself (2) society (3) the world (4) power & self-control – GOOD!
You’ve had time to think about Why you believe certain things –
Who or what shaped you & those beliefs. Your family, government, community, society?-
DO you have a stirring – deep inside, to take your life back -or to at least SHAPE how it looks going forward.
Have the things (old fears, old limits) that “aren’t working” started to fall apart – kind of naturally?
You feel a sense of RELIEF – or SURRENDER.. fine, I really don’t need that
You’ve started to realize or examine what belief systems have limited you? – what has kept you confined to your little “box of beliefs?”
Whether you realize it or not – there is a LOT of inner-work and inner-growth happening. You’re starting to figure out what patterns or habits you’ve been living through – that you want to change.
So let those things & feelings & layers that come up for you – (which have always been there) – that in the past you’ve ignored, deal with it, compartmentalized – let those things come up and fall away if they’re not serving you –
What HAVE you–or CAN you let go of?: attachments, identity, dependency, status, reputation, etc.
Strip it all away until it’s just YOU at your core
This time of change Disrupts your sense of “comfort” & “security” – but then it creates a time of FREEDOM – a blank slate…..a forced (or WELCOMED) “do-over”
With that comes a kind of internal fearlessness & also a sense of urgency – because it highlights our limited time here~ our ONE chance
It strips us back down to the foundation – to our Core Values…… and we get to decide EXACTLY how we want to rebuild.
You’re learning MORE about WHO you are and how truly POWERFUL you are – you are in CHARGE
There’s a new level of consciousness & Confidence – you’re ready to STOP being held back by things like being judged, doing something wrong, being limited by what you don’t know…that’s the OLD you
Let that new level of Confidence guide you. LISTEN to that inner voice, that inner nudge, that inner restlessness. What will you do with this new level of Confidence? What’s that DEEP calling?
What kind of impact do you want to have? – how can your EXCITEMENT inspire & help other people?
What are some “things or experiences” you still want to have?
What kind of connection or community do you want to belong to or be a part of? – where you can add value and it’ll be appreciated?
THIS is the time to be BOLD – to express yourself – get off the sidelines, go FIRST – lead by example – which creates a safe space for others to follow –
TIP: The information & news, conspiracy theories – none of that matters……just focus on REAPING the benefits of this inevitable SHIFT
Don’t you agree that, in times of uncertainty or even craziness – our priorities get reorganized, and the “superficial” STUFF gets tossed out.
Let it go.
People are going more within – the limited communication you ARE having might find yourself opening your heart a little more – doing a little deeper…because you’re CRAVING CONNECTION & you have a new appreciation for how valuable it is in our lives
Another way to put a positive SPIN on this time is: that Disasters, tragedies, and even crisis can act as the IGNITION for finally making decisions you’ve been putting off
Decisions like : “We’ll move.” “I’ll change jobs.” “We’ll go live closer to our parents or extended family.”
You’ll START to DO the thing that you’ve been meaning or REALLY wanting to DO for so long now.
When the “stuff” and busyness is stripped away – and you re-focus
You like the new routine – the new ease and Intentional living – scaling back or downsizing – or moving to the beach
It’s just YOU alone with your thoughts – the “initial panic and overwhelming FEAR of the UNKNOWN, WHAT’S NEXT – has died down”
NOW you’re READY to start Living again – but you KNOW you want it to LOOK different
Excitement and possibilities are bubbling up inside you – if you’re over 50 – like me – than this is ALREADY a time of transition – of re-evaluation
These things and SHIFTS are happening a lot. There’s a lot of wonderful, positive things going on.
NEW ideas – you find yourself shaking your head….”I could do that!” “I could live like that” “we don’t need that”
KEEP that momentum and FORWARD thinking going
Let me close by saying this – none of us gets to choose WHEN we live – but we get to choose HOW we live.
This time of self-awareness is a blessing! How will you use it to TRULY answer your hearts' desire?
I’m sure you’ve heard that “Someday” is not on the calendar as an actual day of the week.
Well – I think today – right now is SOMEDAY.
YOU are living at this moment in time for a reason! Make the DECISION to ENJOY this moment – and design the future you've always dreamt about.
>> Don’t miss “all things MIDLIFE” over on my FB page @ MIDSPIRATION
Can I be honest with you for a sec?
"Moderation" can be a mask hiding the REAL
impact of alcohol and excessive drinking in your life. There still time to take back control.
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